So far my plans were derailed by an unexpected break in social activity because, Damn -- I got the ‘Rona virus!  I am indeed triple-vax'd and thankful that my symptoms aren’t too bad. The worst part was having to quarantine, and sleep on the couch where I set up camp with my laptop.  Suddenly it felt like I was back in 2020 with nightmares that I had to pee but there was no toilet paper! I have done my best to remain calm and keep busy in the house with plenty of music projects including new songs, video edits, and cello practice. But I also find myself taking breaks and wandering around, obsessing over weird home projects like: 
1. rearranging the household cleaners under the kitchen sink. 
2. trying on all my old lipsticks in an attempt to throw away the ones I don't use, only to decide to keep them all anyway 
3. trimming the hairs around Brodie's privates and paws 
4. thinking about doing my taxes, and then not. 

Sigh. This will all be over soon. I should be in the clear tomorrow, we will see... if only I can find a test! CVS gets them in on Wednesdays, which are now like Black Friday instead of buying TVs we camp out for covid tests. Two per person. 

At any rate I will be READY TO ROCK on January 28th when I will be joining the fabulous MARISA CORVO for a Corday-Corvo Duo in the Great Room at Pelican Hill in Newport Beach.  In February I return to Ohana in Sunset Beach for first Sundays -- catch me there February 6th for a Pre-Super Bowl Bonanza!  

See you soon and STAY SAFE!